
class chemometrics.mcr.constraint.ReplaceZeros(axis=-1, feature=None, fval=1, copy=False)

Bases: Constraint

Samples that sum-to-zero across axis are replaced with a vector of 0’s except for a 1 at feature if a single value. In a concentration context, e.g., samples with no concentration are replaced with 100% concentration of a set feature. If multiple features given, equal amounts of each feature (summing to 1) are used.

  • axis (int) – Which axis of input matrix A to apply normalization acorss.

  • feature (int, list, tuple) –

    Set all samples which sum-to-zero across axis to fval for a particular

    feature (or fractional) for multiple features.

  • fval (float) – Value of summation across axis of replacement vector.

  • copy (bool) – Make copy of input data, A; otherwise, overwrite (if mutable)

__init__(axis=-1, feature=None, fval=1, copy=False)

Replace sum-to-zero samples with new feature vector along axis


__init__([axis, feature, fval, copy])

Replace sum-to-zero samples with new feature vector along axis


Apply constraint


Apply constraint